President's Message

TMP Industries is a young and energetic company that specialized in trading business of chemicals. Through collaboration with overseas group companies centered around Taiwan and China, we strive everyday to provide meticulous service.

In a constantly changing world, the complexities of chemical trading continue to grow. Under such circumstances, we aim to understand the needs and challenges of our customer accurately. We listen to customers’ needs carefully, respond to it quickly and resolve it professionally. By doing so, we aim to streamline our customers' businesses and become a trading company that can always meet with customers’ trust and expectations. That is the vision of TMP Industries.

In the future, we will continue to adapt to the changing market environment and challenge ourselves to create new value. We are passionate to carve out a new history and enjoy these challenges as a trading company. We will work diligently to move towards a brighter future alongside our customers.

We sincerely thank you for your support and cooperation.

Yasushi Takatori,
Representative of Directors & President

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